(See picture below) The SIW is a 10 level, color coded scale (I use stars). Each student starts as a Beginner with a white star and has one to two goals. These goals can be following Rule 1, walking in the hall properly, sitting with feet on the floor and so on. I also give my students academic goals such as moving up a text level, mastering math facts, etc. For very 10 sticker stars they earn on their white star, they move up to the next level and so on. Their ultimate goal is to be a LEGEND which is the top level. When they reach Captain, the 5th level, they get their picture taken with any friends of their choice. I cover the picture up by the SIW and when they move up to Pro, I uncover their picture. When and if they reach Legend, their picture will ALWAYS be on my wall as a LEGEND! Guess what's SO AMAZING about SIW??? It's your most beloved rascals who reach the highest level!! YES!! They work the hardest!!! WHY!? They are IMPROVING!!!!! Improving with their behavior AND academically!! With WBT, we always reward for improvement, not ability!
To learn MORE about SIW and other AMAZING WBT games, check out WBT 122 Amazing Games by Chris Biffle on Amazon.com
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