
Friday, April 11, 2014

WBT Adjectives 1st Grade

Here it is!!! My WBT video of adjectives. I am still a working progress so it's not perfect but I think everything went pretty well! We need to work on interrupting and that's okay! We will get there! I am proud to say that I am officially the first graduate of the WBT 1st grade mentor program!! It's been a long year and a lot of hard work has finally paid off. I am looking forward to continuing my journey as a Whole Brain Teacher!
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

5 Step Lesson Plan-Adjectives

It's been a while since I've posted but I am happy to share my 5 step lesson plan for adjectives. Yesterday I had my final WBT video over adjectives. As soon as my WBT mentor approves, I will post my video. Here's the lesson for now!

Date:­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ April 8, 2014
Lesson:  Adjectives
Review:  Review what a noun is and a complete sentence.
Hands and eyes
State the Questions?
Q:  What is an adjective? 
Today we are going to learn what an adjective is!  Tell your neighbor how excited you are to learn about what an adjective is!
Class a doodle!
Yes a doodle!
Hands and eyes
An adjective describes a noun.
Gesture:  Act like your petting a fluffy dog. 
Tell the class you’re petting a fluffy dog.
Good golly!
Hands and eyes
Now we learned that an adjective is a word that describes a noun. Some examples of a noun might be large, grey and friendly. The word elephant is a noun. These adjectives can describe the elephant. Large, grey and friendly elephant. Now that we know adjectives are words that describe a noun and I’ve given you an example, talk to your neighbor about words that can describe this bear. (Show a picture of a bear). (Walk around listening and praising students).
Class, oh class!
Yes, oh yes!
Hands and eyes
Great job smarties! Now we know adjectives are words that describe nouns! We came up with examples of adjectives for a bear. Now let’s come up with adjectives for a flower. When I say teach, talk to your neighbor about adjectives for this flower. (Show a pic of a flower). (Walk around listening and praising students).
Hands and eyes
Awesome possum! You all are becoming adjective experts! We have thought of adjectives for a bear and flower. Let’s think of adjectives that describe….me… your teacher! (Stand in one place so the class can look at you while thinking of adjectives).
Hands and eyes
Evaluate Yes/No
It’s super important to know that adjectives are words that describe a noun. I am going to say some words. Some may be nouns and some may be adjectives! If it’s an adjective say, YES! If it’s a noun, say, NO WAY! Say these words: car, pretty, bear, amazing, red, teacher, large, book, desk, small, brown, chair, loud

Oh classity class!
Hands and eyes
QT Test
Good job! Say QT!! Now it’s time for the QT test. Cover your eyes. Show me a thumbs up if I say an adjective. Show me a thumbs down if it’s not an adjective.
Say these words: black, computer, quiet, fluffy, dog, star, bright, door, sweet

I am talking!
We are listening!
Hands and eyes
Critical Thinking---Sentence Frames
Good job! Now it’s time to use an adjective in a sentence. I will give you a noun. Give me an adjective to describe that noun and use it in a sentence. Ice cream is the noun. (Call on different kids).
I am so proud of you smarties for knowing what an adjective is! We are going to write adjectives next to the pictures. Be creative! Think of awesome adjectives! Go adjective experts!