Wow! We are starting our second week of school. I have 16 boys and 8 girls! I'm so happy I've fully implemented WBT this year. It's helped to get their attention and the rules have been a success so far. However, with 16 boys I definitely need to keep them up and moving. We are doing a lot of brain breaks which has helped but with our second week starting I feel it's time to implement the Super Improver Wall. I know it's going to help my most challenging students with behavior and staying on task. As I explain this tomorrow I hope they will be as excited as I am! They each will have their own goals to work for. As they earn ten mini stars onto their colored star, they'll move up a level. Their overall goal is to become a legend in my class. I already know I'm going to have some legends and I am looking forward to encouraging my students to work hard. This is all new to me too so here's to improving along with my students!
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